Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The command lessc exited with code 9009 in brainjocks score solution Sitecore

If you are getting this error while building your visual studio solution. Make sure that you have installed LESS globally. If you have done so and you are still getting the issue or you can not install it globally follow below steps to fix it .

- Open your Node.js command prompt window. and run the command "where lessc"

- Make a note of your less npm folder. In my case it is "C:\Users\server_admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\"

- Open "Control Panel" -> "System" -> "Advanced System Settings". Under "Advanced" tab click on "Environment Variables". if you are using windows server you can directly search for Advanced System Settings and click on Environment variables section.

-Open environment variables section. Make sure your npm folder path is present under environment variable-> Path variable

- Restart your system. Try rebuilding again it should be fine. If it still gives error try adding it in System variable as well in above step and restart the server.

The command sass exited with code 9009 in brainjocks score solution Sitecore

If you are getting this error while building your visual studio solution. Make sure that you have installed SASS globally. If you have done so and you are still getting the issue follow below steps to fix it.

- Open your Ruby command prompt window. and run the command "where sass"

- Make a note of your Sass bin folder. In my case it is "C:\Ruby23-x64\bin"

Open "Control Panel" -> "System" -> "Advanced System Settings". Under "Advanced" tab click on "Environment Variables". if you are using windows server you can directly search for Advanced System Settings and click on Environment variables section. 

- Open environment variables section. Make sure your Sass bin folder path is present under environment variable-> Path variable and system variable -> Path variable section.Check for the slashes as in screenshot not sure if they can create any issue. 

- Restart your system and try building the solution again. It should be fine now.